The main tasks of the Department are:
1. Implementation on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation of effective human resources policies, aimed to ensure effective stuffing of Roszdravnadzor, its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations with highly qualified personnel in order to most efficiently perform the tasks and functions assigned to Roszdravnadzor.
2. Prevention of corruption and other offences in Roszdravnadzor.
3. Implementation of measures aimed at improving the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the issues within the competence of Roszdravnadzor.
4. Determination of the priorities of human resources policy of Roszdravnadzor.
5. Development and implementation of normative legal and methodical documents of Roszdravnadzor for the implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of the Government of Russian Federation and other normative legal acts on civil service.
6. The recruitment of highly qualified personnel to Roszdravnadzor ensuring their advancement and career development.
7. Elaboration of proposals regarding the formation and effective use of personnel reserve for Roszdravnadzor.
8. Organization of professional retraining, improvement of professional skills and probation of federal civil servants (hereinafter - civil servants).
9. Prevention of corruption and other offenses in Roszdravnadzor, its territorial bodies, as well as subordinated institutions of Roszdravnadzor.
10. Development and implementation of a package of measures aimed at combating corruption in Roszdravnadzor, its territorial bodies and subordinate institutions of Roszdravnadzor.
11. Legal assistance in the consideration of cases on administrative violations in the central office of Roszdravnadzor and courts in cases concerning administrative offenses, on the basis of claims of the central leadership of Roszdravnadzor.
12. Provision of guidelines, including guidelines for the territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor, to consider cases concerning administrative offenses, bringing to administrative responsibility of citizens, officials, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, within the competence of Roszdravnadzor and its territorial bodies in accordance with the Code of administrative offences of Russian Federation.
13. Implementation of work related to the improvement of legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the matters within the competence of Roszdravnadzor.
14. Improving the quality of projects of normative legal acts issued by Roszdravnadzor.
15. Organizational-methodical support of the work of territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor concerning personnel policy, implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of the State civil service, prevention of corruption and other offences, prevention of violations of labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as violations in the sphere of public functions, within the competence of Roszdravnadzor.