Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare
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Executive Management
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International Cooperation
Electronic services
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Личный кабинет
Medical practice
State quality control of healthcare
Certificate of a specialist
Licensing of medical practice
Medical devices
State registration of medical devices
State registration of medical devices within the Eurasian Economic Union
Amendments to registration certificates for a medical device
Import of medical devices
Clinical trials of medical devices
Control over circulation of medical devices
Monitoring of medical devices safety
Licensing of manufacture and maintenance of medical equipment
Notification of commencement of activities in the sphere of medical devices circulation
Supervision over preclinical testings and clinical trials of medicines and medicinial products
Medicine safety monitoring
Medicines quality control
Destruction of medicines
Import/export of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors
Import/export of superpotent substances
Import/export of human organs and tissues, blood and its components
Licensing of pharmaceutical activity
Licensing of activity on circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, cultivation of drug-containing plants
Monitoring of the range of and prices for vital and essential medicines
Preferential provision of medicines
Federal state control
Counter of appeals of citizens and organizations
Executive Management
Regional Offices
Affiliated organizations
International Cooperation
Electronic services
Submit application
Contact Us
Press center
Medical practice
State quality control of healthcare
Citizens rights to healthcare
Healthcare procedures and standards
Medical evaluations, examinations, certifications
Prohibited practices
Institutional control and internal monitoring
Certificate of a specialist
Licensing of medical practice
Medical devices
State registration of medical devices
State registration of medical devices
Cancellation of the state registration of medical devices
State registration of medical devices within the Eurasian Economic Union
Amendments to registration certificates for a medical device
Amendments to registration documents
Amendments to registration certificates for a medical device
Duplicate of a registration certificate
Replacement of registration certificates
Import of medical devices
Clinical trials of medical devices
Control over circulation of medical devices
Monitoring of medical devices safety
Licensing of manufacture and maintenance of medical equipment
Notification of commencement of activities in the sphere of medical devices circulation
Supervision over preclinical testings and clinical trials of medicines and medicinial products
Medicine safety monitoring
Medicines quality control
Destruction of medicines
Import/export of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors
Import/export of superpotent substances
Import/export of human organs and tissues, blood and its components
Licensing of pharmaceutical activity
Licensing of activity on circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, cultivation of drug-containing plants
Monitoring of the range of and prices for vital and essential medicines
Preferential provision of medicines
Federal state control
Public declaration
Русская версия
— Опубликовано
04.12.2015 09:06